METECH INTERNATIONAL LTD (V3M) SGD 0.04   +2.50% +0.00

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Year Ex Date Particulars
2018 2018-11-09 SHARE CONSO OFFER OF 1 FOR 50


ListedDate: 31 July 2002 on SGX Mainboard, 03 July 2015 on Catalist

The share price is in SGD. The dividends are paid in SGD

Address: 100G Pasir Panjang Road , #04-07 Interlocal Centre, Singapore 118523

The company was incorporated in 2001 and assumed the present name of Metech International Ltd on 22 May 2012. Metech has a long track record of offering customized and flexible electronic waste (e-waste) management solutions that help customers fulfill their environmental responsibilities. The company recycles e-waste comprising of electronic and electrical equipment, as well as recovers precious metals for enterprises, manufacturers and local communities.  With a geographical footprint across North America and Asia, Metech is focused on creating a synergistic value chain for its customers through its “4R” initiative that includes recycling, recovery of precious metals, resale and repair capabilities. Metech is committed to delivering its e-waste management services securely and professionally in compliance to regulatory requirements.  The company is ISO 9001:2000, ISO 14001:2004 and e-Stewards certified.

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