SHANAYA LIMITED (SES) SGD 0.03   +13.33% +0.00

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Year Ex Date Particulars
2021 2021-08-12 Ratio: 40:1


ListedDate: 12 August 2021 on CATALIST

The share price is in SGD. The dividends are paid in SGD

Address: 3A Tuas South Street 15 , Singapore 636845,

Shanaya Limited (the "Company", and together with its subsidiaries, "Shanaya" or the "Group") is a homegrown Singapore waste management company, specialising in the collection, transfer, and disposal of waste services to industrial and commercial clients, primarily serving the shipping and cruise industries in Singapore. Shanaya currently owns and operates two waste management facilities with a combined waste handling capacity of 250 tonnes per day and waste storage capacity of 550 tonnes per day. It provides general waste and e-waste collection, sorting, storage, resource recovery and disposal services, treatment, and disposal of selected toxic industrial waste, as well as explosives (pyrotechnics) management services. The Company was listed on Singapore Exchange's Catalist on 19 August 2021 through a successful reverse takeover (RTO) of CPH Ltd.

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