Dividend Yield(TTM) = 0.00%

If you find any of the dividend record is wrong or duplicated, please contact me.

Year Yield Total Amount Ex Date Pay Date Particulars
2023130.29%SGD 0.046 SGD0.0456 2023-02-07 2023-02-17 Price: SGD 0.0456 Per Security
20190.00%SGD 0 - 2019-05-13 - Ratio:1: 4
20182.86%SGD 0.001 SGD0.001 2018-06-26 2018-07-20 SGD 0.001 ONE-TIER TAX
20160.00%SGD 0 - 2016-03-04 - SHARE CONSO OFFER OF 1 FOR 3
201128.57%SGD 0.01 SGD0.01 2011-05-03 2011-05-20 SGD 0.01 ONE-TIER TAX
- 2011-02-23 - SHARE CONSO OFFER OF 1 FOR 20
20070.00%SGD 0 - 2007-09-06 - OFFER OF 1 FOR 1 @ SGD 0.018
20010.00%SGD 0 - 2001-11-13 - OFFER OF 1 FOR 4
20000.00%SGD 0 SGD0.03 2000-06-28 2000-07-12 3% LESS TAX


ListedDate: 1 November 1999 on SGX Sesdaq 2 February 2011 on SGX Mainboard

The share price is in SGD. The dividends are paid in SGD

Address: 1 Robinson Road #17-00 , AIA Tower, Singapore 048542

Sapphire Corporation Limited is principally engaged in the manufacturing of steel and vanadium products – including hot rolled coils and vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) flakes. The Group is also actively involved in the trading of minerals and investments in mining operations and resources-related businesses. Sapphire’s manufacturing operations are undertaken by its core subsidiary, Neijiang Chuanwei Special Steel Co. Ltd, which is located in Sichuan Province, China.   The Group’s mineral trading arm procures strategic minerals from the global market, which is supplied to Sapphire’s steel-making business in China and other companies. The Group holds a direct interest in China Vanadium Titano-Magnetite Mining Company Limited (HK893) – an iron ore producer listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange – and indirect interests in both a steel and a coke manufacturer. All three businesses are located in Sichuan Province, China.   The Group operates in Singapore and has associate and subsidiaries based in China, Hong Kong and Malaysia.

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