SUNTAR ECO-CITY LIMITED (BKZ) SGD 0.083   -3.61% 0.00

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Year Ex Date Particulars
2015 2015-11-19 SHARE CONSOL OFFER OF 1 FOR 5


ListedDate: 1 August 2007 on SGX Mainboard

The share price is in SGD. The dividends are paid in SGD

Address: 3 Tuas Link 1 , Singapore 638584,

The Company was incorporated in Singapore on 22 September 2006 as a private limited company under the name Reyphon Agriceutical Pte Ltd. The Company was renamed to Reyphon Agriceutical Limited on 13 July 2007. The Group’s principal products are gibberellic acids, a plant growth regulator, and validamycin, a plant antibiotic. The Group also possess the know-how to produce fermentation-based pesticides. Its main product, gibberellic acids, is used in China mainly in the cultivation of hybrid rice, cotton, fruits and vegetables. Through active R&D, its objective is to widen the applications of gibberellic acids to cultivation of other plants such as tea plants, peanuts and soybean and lower its production costs and offer customers greater value with our gibberellic acids products. The Group manufactured, agriceutical products may be broadly classified into the following categories:- (a) plant growth regulators; (b) pesticides which include plant antibiotics, insecticide and weedicides; and (c) fertilisers. Its production facilities are located in Southern Industrial Development Zone of Xin’gan County, Jiangxi Province of China on a land area of approximately 65,002 sq m. Its products are sold throughout China such as Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Jiangsu, Shangdong, Hebei, Xinjiang, Anhui, Hainan, Hunan, Sichuan and Hubei. The Group also exports its products to countries such as United States, India, Turkey, Belgium, Canada, Germany, Malaysia, Pakistan, Spain, United Kingdom and Vietnam. Change of Name: Reyphon Agriceutical Limited to Suntar Eco-City Limited. Trading under the new name wef 14 June 2012.

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