ADDVALUE TECHNOLOGIES LTD (A31) SGD 0.013   -7.69% 0.00

If you find any of the dividend record is wrong or duplicated, please contact me.

Year Ex Date Particulars
2022 2022-10-07 Ratio: 1:500
2021 2021-01-18 Ratio: 1:3
2016 2016-05-19 OFFER OF 1 FOR 3 @ SGD 0.031


ListedDate: 14 June 2000 on SGX Mainboard

The share price is in SGD. The dividends are paid in SGD

Address: 202 Bedok South Ave 1 , #01-11, Singapore 469332

Addvalue was incorporated in Singapore on 27 April 1996. It was founded by several engineers, a group of individuals and a corporate investor to engage in the design and development of communications technologies and products. Addvalue is a world recognised 'one-stop shop' communications technology products developer that provides state-of-the-art satellite-based communication and other innovative digital broadband products and solutions for a variety of connectivity for applications at seas, on land, on flight and even in space. Addvalue's technical competencies include Radio and Antenna Design, Embedded System Design, Software Defined Radio platform. Its customers include leading organizations in commercial, defence and space industries.

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