AMOS GROUP LTD (49B) SGD 0.04   -12.50% -0.01

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Year Ex Date Particulars
2022 2022-12-29 Ratio: 1:6


ListedDate: 6 August 2021 on MAINBOARD

The share price is in SGD. The dividends are paid in SGD

Address: 7 Gul Avenue , Singapore 629651,

The Company was incorporated in Singapore on 25 February 2010 as a private limited company, under the name of Gaylin Holdings Pte Ltd. On 25 September 2012, the company name was changed to Gaylin Holdings Limited in connection with its conversion to a public company limited by shares. Gaylin Holdings Limited is a multi-disciplinary specialist provider of rigging and lifting solutions to the global offshore oil and gas industry. The Group supplies and manufactures rigging and lifting equipment. The Group also provides a wide range of engineering services to its customers who require customisation or manufacturing of products specific to their requirements. Such engineering services include the design, fabrication, testing and certification of rigging and lifting equipment.

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